Throughout their studies, the fifth graders will experience how the Earth-spinning movement affects the appearance of sunrise and sunset. Thank you for voting and for your support of our schools! Another group of students solved math problems, using the commutative property, and learned about rounding to the nearest 10 using two and three-digit numbers. El entrenador David Sheridan dijo: A los estudiantes les encanta la camaradera, o sea la relacin social amistosa y cordial y la oportunidad de conocer otros estudiantes deportistas y competir contra otras escuelas. "El autobs escolar es un objeto fcilde dibujar usando este mtodo," dijo Chambers. "Mi deseo es que ellos se acoplenal texto con el nicopropsitode leer y que ellos practiquen las destrezas especficas de ese dia.". "Tienen un comedor social y una despensa de alimentos, y las donaciones sern a nivel local y se quedarn en la comunidad de Port Chester". El maestro de Ingls Justin Thomas, quien asesora el club con su colega Aaron Glazer, le dieron crdito a la estudiante Shirley Guzmn , quien sirvi como jefa de redaccin, por revivir el peridico con su visin, determinacin y liderazgo. Segn Con Edison y el Departamento de Bomberos de Port Chester, los niveles de gas en el aire la escuela secundaria, Port Chester High School, se mantienen en un nivel aceptable; sin embargo, hemos recibido inquietudes del personal y los estudiantes de que ciertas reas del edificio todava tienen un olor extrao. They learned to echo and read different rhythm patterns, including quarter note, quarter rest and eighth notes. Sports being offered are Baseball, Softball, Track & Field, Boys Lacrosse & Girls Lacrosse. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "Community Levels can be low, medium, or high and are determined by looking at hospital beds being used, hospital admissions, and the total number of new COVID-19 cases in the area." La maestra Messina dijo: El principal objetivo de este proyecto consista en que los estudiantes leyeran e identificaran las causas y los efectos de estas revoluciones y posteriormente evaluaran sus xitos. La clase se dividi en grupos para que los estudiantes leyeran y escribieran sus propias notas o apuntes acerca de la figura revolucionaria que estaban estudiando.. Inspirndose en los retratos de Mary Cassatt, fue el primer intento de Guaman de hacer un autorretrato.Yuri hizo un gran trabajo con la proporcin de su rostro, adems de capturar la esencia de sus rasgos y aprender a mezclar colores con lpices de colores, dijo Chambers.Trujillo, un alumno de cuarto grado, cre su "TheJungle" con pastel al leo despus de inspirarse en las pinturas de la jungla de Henry Rousseau. I hope the students can develop a sense of exploration and begin to understand their individual connection to their surroundings, Silverman said. Los estudiantes estn deseando reunirse de nuevo, dijo la maestra. La maestra Terracciano dijo que los maestros recibieron de manera abrumada innumerables respuestas positivas por parte de los estudiantes de ambos grados que participaron en esta experiencia de amistad. Then, they made their paper strips into an arch, a zigzag, a curved line, a square and a mountain. Como parte de la Liga Pionera, un programa deportivo interescolar para aquellos estudiantes con discapacidades fsicas y mentales, un grupo de once estudiantes de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester llevan practicando y preparando sus habilidades de ftbol sala. School Details. As a teacher-founded nonprofit, were trusted by teachers, donors, administrators, and partner organizations across the country. The Thursday May 5, 2022 Board of Education meeting is now available for viewing and can be seen here. Roncagliolo most recently served as assistant principal at Jefferson Elementary School in New Rochelle and Warring Elementary School in Poughkeepsie, where he oversaw the day-to-day operations of the schools instructional program, supported the implementation of multiple programs, and led professional development sessions for staff. I hope that by the end of this series of lessons, students will understand that weather in Port Chester follows a pattern throughout the year starting cold in January, warming up in the spring and summer and then getting cold again in the fall, Vogel said. Baurle praised the cast and crew for their dedication to the process, getting ahead of schedule with their rehearsals, being focused and engaged in developing characters, blocking scenes and reflecting. A group of kindergartners quietly tiptoed around their Thomas Edison Elementary School hallways to secretly deliver chocolate, an ornament and a handwritten note to their school nurse. No obstante, los actores y actrices tras como transcurra la noche tenan la obligacin de averiguarlo. El almuerzo costar $1.25 para los estudiantes de primaria y $1.50 para los estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria que no califiquen para el almuerzo gratis. Having discussed how they could broaden their acts of kindness from the classroom to the building, teachers said they made a list of different individuals from custodians to the school nurse, principal and assistant principal, lunch monitor and other classrooms to be the recipients of their kindness throughout the holiday season. Les deseo a todos unas vacaciones felices y seguras llenas de alegra y rejuvenecimiento. Un grupo de nios de kindergarten recorri silenciosamente de puntillas los pasillos de la escuela primaria Thomas Edison para entregar en secreto chocolate, un adorno y una nota escrita a mano a la enfermera de la escuela. You may pay by a credit card. Para honrar su legado y en honor a la celebracin y da festivo del Doctor Martin Luther King Junior, los estudiantes de la escuela elemental de Park Avenue participaron en una serie de actividades educativas. Hemos invitado a nuestros socios comunitarios a establecer mesas de informacin para brindar informacin sobre los recursos que estn disponibles para las familias de Port Chester. They recorded their observations and further discussed the concept of condensation. Currculo y alfabetizacin a la vanguardia: poner a prueba y poner en marcha una nueva iniciativa de lectura. We'll charge your card today and send Mrs. JOHN a DonorsChoose gift card she can use on her classroom projects. Seussical Jr. is a favorite of mine because there are many roles that allow students to shine in multiple ways as singers, actors and dancers, Dor said. As they observed the virtual model of the Earth and Sun, the students took notes and made observations about the phenomena that causes day and night, seasonal changes and varying amounts of daylightthroughout the year. The Port Chester Board of Education has board advisory committees, and we aim to add a few more opportunities for participation and feedback in the 2022-2023 academic year. LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) A North Hollywood student claims he was discriminated against following the initial reports of coronavirus in China because he is Asian. The Reed Staff Appreciation pancake breakfast was a Walter Reed Middle School has received support from Los estudiantes de todos los grados acadmicos de la escuela elemental de Park Avenue, tras leer textos sobre la vida del Doctor Martin Luther King Junior y su dedicacin por el movimiento de los derechos civiles, tuvieron la oportunidad de reflexionar y escribir algo sobre su legado. Los alumnos de cuarto grado de la escuela primaria Thomas Edison, que haban estado investigando diferentes carreras de ingeniera, utilizaron Legos y Play-Doh para construir helicpteros, trenes, robots, edificios y cargadores de telfonos como una forma de demostrar su conocimiento. Durante el concierto, los estudiantes interpretaron I Want It That Way- (Lo quiero de esa manera) de Los Backstreet Boys y Lean on Me- (Apyate en m) de Bill Withers. It was a huge success and something we hope to continue to host annually.. He is concertmaster of Port Chester High Schools orchestra and co-concertmaster of the Hoff-Barthelson Festival Orchestra. Prior to the hands-on activity, the students watched a video and role-played a discussion that would have taken place between scientists in the 1300s who supported either a sun-spinning model or an Earth -spinning model to explain why the sun seems to rise and set in the sky every day. Sheridan said the Port Chester Pioneer League has been competing in interscholastic athletics since 2009. Comunquese con el director(a) de su edificio si tiene alguna pregunta. Each classroom request for funding was created by a classroom teacher and reviewed by the DonorsChoose team. The skills and techniques required to play the violin are cumulative, so refocusing on fundamentals as we did in this lesson will lay the groundwork for a successful second year of orchestra for these students, she said. A medida que continuamos esforzndonos por mejorar todos los aspectos de la experiencia educativa de nuestros hijos en el Distrito Escolar de Port Chester, tambin nos comprometemos a la mejora continua. Antes de la actividad prctica, los estudiantes vieron un video y representaron una discusin que habra tenido lugar entre cientficos en el siglo XIII que apoyaron un modelo de rotacin del sol o un modelo de rotacin de la Tierra para explicar por qu el sol parece girar, sale y se pone en el cielo todos los das. As they continue to discuss the water cycle, the third graders will also explore evaporation, precipitation, and accumulation. La prdida de vidas, especialmente de personas tan jvenes, es desgarradora. Como educador, disfruto observar el progreso de la maestra musical de mis alumnos. King Street School third graders have been working on their personal narrative essays as part of their writers workshop in teacher Danielle Ferraros class. To be included in the school newspaper simply write a short response to the question: What is your favorite Hispanic tradition and why? Los estudiantes de Knder de la escuela primaria Park Avenue de la clase de la maestra Gabrielle Masone se turnaron recientemente para tocar el metalfono y el vibratomo. Having studied nationalism, which was a set of beliefs that began in the 1800s and broke up empires and unified countries, the students evaluated the revolutions to determine whether each revolutionary figure was able to meet the goals of the revolution and determine if it improved society. Enrollment/registration emails for each of these programs are being emailed to families by June 2, so families should be on the lookout for correspondence directly from the district or from Catapult Learning regarding your children's participation in programs. There is nothing more important than our students and their well-being, and we remain committed to doing all that we can to ensure their safety. Throughout the hands-on experience, what stood out the most to Tavarez was the conversations the students were having while doing their research and planning and discovering something new. Ellos aprendieron con confianza que podan crear una obra de arte, y que seguir paso a paso un proyecto les dara los mejores resultados.. Establecimiento de objetivos y visin comn. Luego de la presentacin de rosas, los veteranos y sus familias fueron invitados a disfrutar de un desayuno en la cafetera. Your web browser might not work well with our site. These students are all so intelligent and have so many important thoughts and opinions on life, both inside and outside of school, and theyre motivated to share those voices with the world. It was wonderful for the children to get together, said fifth grade teacher Barbara Terracciano, whose class visited teacher Stacey Malleys kindergarten class. All students in the group were prepared to give their all, and their blending of sounds was beautiful.. Todos estos grupos de estudiantes tendrn la oportunidad durante la otra mitad del da de participar en actividades recreativas/de enriquecimiento a travs de nuestros socios adicionales, Wellcore y Carver Center.Todos nuestros programas estn diseados para brindar instruccin acadmica y oportunidades de enriquecimiento/recreacin. Meals On Main Street's Miles For Moms 2nd annual 1.5 mile fun run + 5K through Port Chester. Sus opciones de color tambin crean un contraste muy agradable.Guaman, una alumna de quinto grado, cre su "Self-Portrait" con lpices de colores como parte de una tarea de clase en la que los estudiantes aprendieron a dibujar un rostro humano y se centraron en la proporcin y la ubicacin. The fifth graders used acircle stencil to create their planets on black construction paper and discussed how to make two overlapping circles look like they are in front of or behind one another. Members of the Creative Writing Club are supported by English teachers and club co-advisers Jesse Fernandez and Victoria Rose. Habr titulares que vern sus hijos, lo que puede producir preguntas. Thank you. It has come to our attention that a fake Gmail account has been created using the name of PCHS's Principal Luke Sotherden. Como parte del temario y estudios de matemticas, los estudiantes de tercer grado han estado aprendiendo acerca del valor posicional de los nmeros. El enlace directo a nuestros canales es tambin puede acceder a nuestros videos de PCSTV usando el botn PCSTV en la pagina del distrito. Order at or scan the QR code. "Midieron la altura de una vara de medir con su sombra. Es con gran tristeza y un corazn pesado que les escribo. They were also joined by six high school seniors who plan to attend. Mientras nos preparamos para marcar el comienzo del Ao Nuevo, es un buen momento para reflexionar sobre el 2022. nase a nosotros esta semana virtualmente para aprender del siguiente tema: King Street Elementary School fifth graders, who have been studying about the Earth in teacher Lucille Cappellos science classes, created a model of the planet to help them make connections to their studies. Under the leadership of band director Michael Miceli, the 152-member band scored a 91.6. Freshman Sayuri Galindo, who created a webpage that summarized five movies, said she enjoyed having creative control over the type of information she could include in her website. We hope the students are able to apply and use rounding to the nearest 10 using two- and three-digit numbers, as well as being able to interpret and mark numbers on the number-line, Bencosme said. Whether it is a website, animation or mini video game, I want students imagining and creating and pushing themselves to represent the vision they have for their projects.. Please make sure you fill out a lunch application for your family and return it to your childs school. The costumes will be color-coordinated just like the pawns in the original board game.. Greeted by their teachers and administrators, they reunited with friends, met new teachers, organized their school supplies, learned about their schedules and engaged in different educational activities. This is to notify all taxpayers whose property is located in the Port Chester School District that the school tax bill has been mailed. Juntos hemos logrado mucho en 2022. Miceli said the judges were impressed with the bands great dynamic shaping and trained technique and the dancers commanding presence. Adems de Dor, Veltri y los estudiantes, la produccin es posible gracias a la direccin tcnica de Zach Dor. We will also expand these patterns to adiscussion on the seasons, focusing on how weather and temperaturechange throughout the year and change throughout the seasons.. DonorsChoose makes it easy for anyone to help a teacher in need, moving us closer to a nation where students We have reported this fake account to the police, and advise you not to send any money or gift cards. Con varios libros en mano, los estudiantes del Jardnde Infancia de la Escuela Primaria King Street encontraron un asiento cmodoen sus aulas y se dedicaron a leer independientemente. The Port Chester spring sports registration for the High School will be open from February 14ththrough the first week of official practices which start on March 14th. La tarea, que fue parte de la clase de Alfabetizacin y Composicin de la maestra Imogen Lopez, fue diseada para motivar an ms a los estudiantes en su propio aprendizaje. Una vez que la pintura se sec, los estudiantes aadieron colores de cera para crear sus planetas y naves espaciales. Madison Middle School. If you missed the May 24 presentation on next steps in planning for a new K-5 literacy curriculum, please see the link here for a replay. Our environment helps students improve their overall development with an emphasis on communication, decision-making, creative and critical thinking, and self-awareness, Maldonado said. I also hope they got an understanding of how that success was limited in that they didnt change some fundamental problems that still continue to do this day, like racial and social inequality.. Les deseo unas fiestas seguras y saludables! As part of the multipart assignment, they will use the graphs to determine patterns in the weather and temperature that they see throughout the year. March 22, 2023 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Knight of Columbus. El Port Light resucit para servir como la voz de la comunidad de la escuela secundaria. They are such strong, entertaining writers with brilliant, gripping minds and voices. The fire department was immediately notified and quickly responded. Los proyectos de los estudiantes mostraron la amplia gama de materiales y objetos que crean los ingenieros y cunto aprendieron de su investigacin. La experiencia general de tener msicos en desarrollo haciendo msica juntos como grupo es una experiencia verdaderamente mgica y gratificante para todos, dijo Johnson. Port Chester High School students Joseph Alvarez, Emely Cervantes and Kimberly Nicolas have their artworks on display in the virtual New York State Art Teachers Association exhibit. They also learned about the fire trucks and their engines and the tools that firefighters use. Esta cuenta est enviando correos electrnicos solicitando dinero y tarjetas de regalo. Los estudiantes han estado muy emocionados de entregar sus sorpresas cada da. Adems, si tiene alguna informacin sobre esta cuenta falsa, comunquese con la polica de Rye Brook. As a conclusion, the students will perform a critique in the blacklight so their peers can see their work glowing foran intergalactic experience,, I hope that my students learn that art can be cross-curricular, using math and science to create a work that they can be proud of. Walter Reed Middle School - find test scores, ratings, reviews, and 270 nearby homes for sale at They said their goal is to equip students with the necessary tools and knowledge to help them grow physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. We are asking that parents fill out a survey to help us in planning interesting and relevant workshops to help us better serve our students and. Feeding Westchester and Port Chester Schools Food Distribution, Port Chester Middle School -4:00 p.m. Supplies run out, Alimentando Westchester y las Escuelas de Port Chester- Distribucin de Comida, 4:00 pm- Hasta que se acaben los alimentos. Didn't receive the email? Christina Baurle, La maestra de teatro de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester dijo: Esta es la primera vez que presentamos un acontecimiento de este tipo y calibre. "Hay mensajes modernos y universales de amistad, amor y devocin para hacer lo correcto en 'Seussical Jr.' Los personajes del Dr. Seuss son adorables, identificables y coloridas, lo que lo convierte en un espectculo perfecto para la escuela secundaria". 4525 Irvine Ave. North Hollywood, CA 91602-1915. The school bus is an easy object to draw using this approach, Chambers said. Please watch the Parent University information session about our new K-5 literacy program at the link below. "Todos ellos ofrecieron una actuacin asombrosa en uno de los mayores recintos musicales del mundo, y todos nos sentimos muy orgullosos de ellos", dijo Pereira. Please note that a smaller student/teacher ratio does not necessarily translate to smaller class size. Students at Walter Reed Middle are 43% Hispanic, 33% White, 13% Asian, 5% Two or more races, 5% African American. The Village of Port Chester looks forward to hearing your thoughts and observations related to the Villages downtown business district. HAC (Home Access Center) is down for summer maintenance and will be back online on August 31, 2022. Durante la segunda parte de la leccin, elaboraron depsitos de condensacin al verter agua caliente en un vaso y colocarle una tapa. Thomas Edison Elementary School fourth graders, who had been researching different engineering careers, used Legos and Play-Doh to build helicopters, trains, robots, buildings and phone chargers as a way of demonstrating their knowledge. Continuaron con ese proceso hasta que volvieron al problema con el cual empezaron. Taylor also led a schoolwide read aloud of Separate Is Never Equal, which documents aMexican and Puerto Rican familys fight for desegregation of schools in the 1940s. Starting next month, we'll charge your card and send her a DonorsChoose gift card on the 17th of every month. Please take some time out this Fall Season and watch our "Pride of Port Chester" PCHS Marching Band perform in-person at various locations including local football games at the high school, parades, and competitions. Los estudiantes de la escuela primaria Park Avenue recientemente trabajaron de forma independiente para completar varias tareas en sus cuadernos de matemticas durante una leccin en la clase de Flora Turcios. The administration feels that it is best to dismiss students immediately to air out the building. Join this weeks session virtually to learn about the following topic: Thursday, November 10, 6:30pm-7:30pm Check Your Progress with Google Classroom and More (, Monday, November 7, 6:30pm-7:30pm Google Classroom: Beyond the Basics (. School isn't easy, so check out our Resources section for study tips, helpful articles, inspiration, and an occasional laugh. Continuaremos compartiendo la informacin ms reciente con nuestra comunidad escolar a medida que se produzcan desarrollos. They will also rehearse winter music, as well as parade tunes, such as the National Emblem byEdwin Eugene Bagley. The activity was part of a lesson in art teacher. Tambin calcularn qu tan rpido gira la Tierra en millas por hora e investigarn para entender por qu no sentimos que la Tierra gira a una velocidad tan rpida. Using indirect measurement and shadows to measure tall objects is an application of similar triangles, Gomez said. 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